28 Types of Million Dollar Business Ideas [2024]

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Are you dreaming of starting a business that could make you a millionaire? This is the article for you which will help you learn types of million dollar business ideas that you can start today.

Creating a multi million dollar business is not so easy. To create a successful million dollar business, you need to build a strong business strategy. In this article we’ll dive into different business ideas that can bring in big money. 

Whether you’re just starting out or already running a business and wanting to expand, you’ll find some great ideas here that could lead you to that million-dollar mark.


Thinking about starting a business that could make you a millionaire? One great idea is launching an e-commerce store with your own products that will help you make million dollars over a period of time. 

Online shopping has been booming, with global e-commerce sales expected, which is expected to reach around $6.4 trillion by 2024. This growth means there’s plenty of opportunities to create a successful online store that brings in big bucks.

Another promising option is investing in real estate. Real estate has always been a solid way to build wealth. 

In 2021, the median sales price of homes in the U.S. hit an all-time high of $404,700. By buying, flipping, or renting properties, you can tap into this lucrative market and grow your net worth.

If you’re someone who is with an entrepreneurship mindset, consider developing a mobile app. With over 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, the app market is huge. 

As of 2024, mobile apps are expected to generate over $935 billion in revenue. A well-designed, useful app can attract millions of users and become a significant source of income.

However, here are 28 types of million dollar business ideas that you can think of to start one today.

28 types of million dollar business ideas:

  1. Consulting business

  2. Chatbot development

  3. Educational programs

  4. Home repair, and restoration

  5. Senior services

  6. Language translation service

  7. Online marketing services

  8. Blogging/Vlogging

  9. Affiliate marketing

  10. Graphic design

  11. Writing

  12. Rentals

  13. Business plan service

  14. Website development

  15. Internet security consultant

  16. Lawn care/snow removal

  17. Editorial service

  18. Homemade gourmet food

  19. Flipping websites

  20. ECommerce store

  21. Property management

  22. Custom tailoring

  23. Life coach/mentor

  24. Training/Instruction

  25. Graffiti removal

  26. Event/Project planning

  27. Mobile app developer

  28. Drones

1. Consulting business

Do you already have knowledge or experience in a specific area? Whether it’s teaching businesses how to go green, using new technology, or giving legal advice, you can easily start your own consulting company. 

Since you already have the expertise, your main costs will be marketing and networking, like getting a website and business cards. 

Sounds interesting? Check out this consulting guide I put together to help you get your consulting business up and running.

Thinking about starting a consulting business? 

If you have expertise in a specific area, like helping businesses go green, implementing new technology, or offering legal advice, consulting can be a great way to make money. The consulting industry is booming, with the global market expected to reach $132 billion by 2025.

One of the best parts about starting a consulting business is that you don’t need much to get started. Since you already have the knowledge, your main expenses will be marketing and networking. 

This includes setting up a professional website and getting some business cards made.

2. Chatbot development

“Just like every company needed a website 10 years ago and an app five years ago, now they need to embrace AI and chatbots,” says chatbot expert Murray Newlands. 

While creating a chatbot might sound complicated, tools like ChattyPeople make it easy to build a Facebook bot without any coding experience.

Creating a chatbot might seem tough, but it’s easier than you think. Tools like ChattyPeople let you build a Facebook bot without any coding skills. You can have a chatbot up and running quickly, helping you engage with customers 24/7.

Creating a chatbot is like building a helpful assistant who never sleeps. Chatbots are becoming really popular; in fact, 80% of businesses plan to use chatbots by 2022, according to a survey by Oracle. These digital assistants can answer questions, help with orders, and even handle complaints, making them a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

Building a chatbot starts with understanding what your users need. Think of the chatbot as a friendly guide who can help customers find what they’re looking for quickly. 

According to one report, Chatbots currently account for business cost savings of $20 million globally.

A study by Juniper Research found that chatbots will help businesses save over $8 billion per year by 2022 because they can handle many customer requests at once without getting tired or needing a break.

It’s important to keep improving your chatbot. Just like any good assistant, a chatbot learns from experience. Regular updates and improvements can make sure it stays helpful and relevant. 

Gartner predicts that by 2025, customer service organizations that embed AI in their engagement platforms will elevate operational efficiency by 25%. So, the time and effort you put into developing a chatbot can really pay off in the long run.

3. Educational programs

Selling “how-to” information can be a fantastic business idea. You get to make money from a skill or passion you already have, and it doesn’t cost much to start. All you need is a website, some great content, and maybe a few ads to get noticed.

This field is competitive, so it’s important to focus on a specific niche that isn’t widely covered. By targeting a unique topic, you can stand out and attract a dedicated audience.

Creating educational programs with how-to guides can be a game changer for learning. These guides break down complicated tasks into simple steps, making it easier for people to learn new skills. 

A study by Pew Research found that 73% of adults consider themselves lifelong learners, always on the lookout for new information and skills.

How-to guides are especially helpful in educational programs because they cater to different learning styles. Whether someone prefers reading, watching videos, or following step-by-step instructions, these guides can meet those needs. 

According to the National Training Laboratories, people retain 75% of what they learn when they practice by doing, compared to just 10% when they read. This hands-on approach is what makes how-to guides so effective.

Keeping your how-to guides updated is crucial. The world is always changing, and so is the information we need. By regularly updating your guides, you ensure that learners always have access to the latest and most accurate information. 

This approach not only boosts the confidence of learners but also enhances the overall learning experience, as noted in a report by the E-Learning Industry, which states that 98% of organizations see an improvement in their training programs when they continuously update their content.

4. Home repair, and restoration

If you have the skills and tools, why not start your own home repair or restoration business? 

Focusing on a specific area can help you stand out from other construction businesses. For example, Toby Woodward started his flooring business with just $50 and a box of business cards.

The best part? 

You don’t need to invest in inventory because your focus is on installation and repairs. This keeps your startup costs low while allowing you to make the most of your expertise.

Ever felt overwhelmed by a leaky faucet or a creaky floorboard? How-to guides for home repair and restoration can be a lifesaver. 

They’re like having a handy friend right by your side, guiding you through the process step by step. 

According to a study by the National Association of Home Builders, 70% of homeowners prefer to tackle small home repairs themselves, and how-to guides make it possible.

These guides cover everything from fixing a leaky pipe to restoring antique furniture. They’re designed to be easy to follow, even for beginners. 

In fact, a survey by HomeAdvisor found that 63% of homeowners say they feel more confident tackling home repairs after using how-to guides. With clear instructions and helpful tips, anyone can become a DIY champion in no time.

One of the best things about how-to guides for home repair and restoration is that they save you money. Hiring a professional can be expensive, but with the right guidance, you can do it yourself for a fraction of the cost. 

According to a report by HomeAdvisor, the average cost to hire a plumber is $300, while fixing a leaky faucet yourself might only cost $20 in parts. So next time something breaks, don’t panic – grab a how-to guide and get it fixed!

5. Senior services

With over 46 million people in the U.S. aged 65 or older, and that number expected to double to around 98 million by 2060, there’s a big market for businesses catering to seniors. 

From offering companionship to running errands or giving advice to their families, there are plenty of opportunities to meet the needs of this growing demographic.

With the right idea and approach, you can create a successful business that helps seniors live happier, healthier lives while also making a profit.

When it comes to senior services, there’s a whole world of support waiting to be explored. These services cover everything from healthcare to social activities, helping seniors live their best lives. 

Did you know that by 2030, one in every five Americans will be 65 or older, according to the U.S. Census Bureau? That’s a lot of folks who might benefit from knowing about these resources.

Senior services can include things like assistance with daily tasks, transportation, and even home modifications to make living easier. For many seniors, accessing these services can greatly improve their quality of life and independence. 

Research from the National Institute on Aging shows that seniors who actively engage with community resources tend to have better physical and mental health outcomes. 

So whether you’re a senior yourself or caring for a loved one, it’s worth exploring what senior services are available in your area. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you find!

Navigating senior services can sometimes feel like venturing into uncharted territory, but how-to guides can be a guiding light. These resources provide clear, easy-to-follow instructions for accessing various senior services, from healthcare to housing options. 

A study by the National Council on Aging found that 76% of older adults believe it’s important to have access to resources and information about aging well, making how-to guides invaluable tools.

Whether you’re exploring Medicare options or seeking assistance with home care, how-to guides break down complex processes into manageable steps. 

Research from the National Institute on Aging shows that seniors who actively seek information about available services and resources tend to have better outcomes in terms of health and well-being. 

How-to guides for senior services aren’t just for seniors themselves – they can also be valuable resources for caregivers and family members. 

According to AARP, more than 34 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult aged 50 or older, and having access to reliable information can alleviate stress and improve caregiving experiences. 

6. Language translation service

The need for skilled translators is booming as the world gets more connected. Whether it’s translating legal documents or blog posts for international online stores, this business idea is affordable and still growing strong.

To get started, check out freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. Look for people who speak multiple languages and reach out to them to join your team. 

This way, you can offer translation services in many different languages, meeting the needs of a diverse clientele.

Ever wished you could understand what someone from another part of the world was saying? 

That’s where language translation services come in handy. They’re like magic wizards that turn words from one language into another, making communication a breeze. 

Did you know that over 7,000 languages are spoken worldwide, according to Ethnologue? That’s a lot of potential for misunderstanding, but translation services help bridge that gap.

Whether you’re traveling abroad, conducting business internationally, or just chatting with friends online, translation services make it easy to communicate across language barriers. 

And with advancements in technology, translation has become faster and more accurate than ever before. A report by Common Sense Advisory found that 87% of consumers are more likely to buy a product if information is presented in their own language.

So not only do translation services make communication smoother, but they can also boost business opportunities. Next time you encounter a language you don’t understand, remember that a translation service is just a click away!

7. Online marketing services

You don’t need a background in online marketing to get started. Take an affordable online course, especially in SEO, and you’ll be on your way. 

It’s a competitive field, so to stand out, specialize in a niche area like AdWords or up-and-coming fields like influencer marketing. 

Online marketing services are like the secret sauce behind successful businesses on the internet. They’re the wizards who make sure your message gets seen by the right people at the right time. 

With over 4.66 billion people using the internet worldwide, according to Statista, the potential reach of online marketing is massive. So if you’re not tapping into this resource, you could be missing out big time.

These services cover a wide range of strategies, from social media advertising to search engine optimization (SEO). They’re designed to help businesses stand out in the crowded online marketplace and attract more customers. 

In fact, a study by HubSpot found that companies that prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to see a positive return on investment (ROI) from their marketing efforts. So whether you’re a small startup or a big corporation, investing in online marketing services can give you a competitive edge in the digital world.

8. Blogging/Vlogging

Blogging is still going strong, and the best part is, you can start for just a few bucks. All you need is patience, a little SEO know-how, and the ability to write great content. 

If you’ve got what it takes, you could join the ranks of top bloggers earning big bucks, sometimes even in the high six figures.

If you’re outgoing and have something to share, starting a YouTube channel is another low-cost option. People like PewDiePie are raking in serious cash with their channels. 

With just a bit of charisma and some valuable content, you could be on your way to YouTube success without breaking the bank.

Did you know that over 600 million blogs exist online today, and YouTube, the king of vlogging platforms, boasts over 2 billion logged-in users each month? 

Crazy, right? 

Whether you’re into typing out your thoughts or prefer showing them on camera, both blogging and vlogging offer amazing opportunities to share your ideas, stories, and expertise with the world. 

So, why not give it a shot? Who knows, you might just find your voice and build a community eager to hear what you have to say. 

9. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketers promote other people’s products and earn commissions on the sales they make. Amazon is a big player in affiliate marketing, but there are other platforms like Commission Junction you can check out too. 

Usually, affiliate marketing goes hand in hand with blogging, so you’ll need to get your own blog set up first to create a good mix of content and promotion. 

It’s like being a virtual salesperson, but without the hassle of stocking products. You simply promote someone else’s stuff, and when people buy through your special link, you earn a commission. 

It’s a booming industry, with experts estimating that global affiliate marketing spending will hit $8.2 billion by 2022 (Statista). So, if you’re into making money online and love recommending things you believe in, affiliate marketing could be your ticket to a sweet side hustle.

10. Graphic design

Businesses are on the lookout for creative folks to help tell their story through branding. This could mean designing a logo, ads, brochures, magazines, flyers, or datasheets. Need some inspiration? 

Take Nicky Laatz, for example. She works from home designing fonts, graphics, and templates and has made a cool million dollars selling them online. 

That’s graphic designers for you! They’re like visual storytellers, using colors, shapes, and images to communicate messages in a snap. In fact, did you know that the global graphic design market is expected to reach $357.5 billion by 2026 (Grand View Research)? 

Whether you’re jazzing up your social media posts or giving your business a professional edge, graphic design is the secret sauce to making things look awesome. 

11. Writing

Writing isn’t just about freelancing or blogging. Big players like Amazon and Apple are in the book publishing game, where authors are making loads of money creating everything from how-to guides to cookbooks to sci-fi adventures.

That’s the beauty of writing! It’s not just about crafting stories or sharing ideas; it’s about expressing yourself in a way that connects with others. 

Did you know that over 2 million blog posts are published every day (Hosting Tribunal)? Yup, that’s a whole lot of words flying around the internet! 

Whether you’re jotting down your daily musings or dreaming up the next bestseller, writing is your passport to a world of creativity and self-expression. 

12. Rentals

The rise of the “sharing economy” means people are renting instead of buying things. 

While renting out a room on Airbnb or your car with Uber/Lyft gets a lot of attention, you can actually rent out almost anything you own, like a garage, parking spot, or even household items like furniture or lawn equipment. 

Even if you don’t own these things, they’re pretty affordable to buy. And if you want to take your rental business to the next level, think about renting out party equipment like tents, photo booths, or bounce houses.

That’s where rentals come in handy! Whether it’s a car for a weekend getaway or a fancy dress for a special occasion, rentals offer flexibility without the commitment. 

In fact, the rental industry is booming, with the global equipment rental market projected to reach $230 billion by 2027 (Fortune Business Insights).

13. Business plan service

If you’ve already built a successful business, you can share that knowledge with others for a fee. This could include things like market research, business plan writing, and financial statements. 

New entrepreneurs are often eager to pay someone who has already started a business to help them develop their own successful business plan. 

Ever had a great business idea but didn’t know where to start? That’s where business plan services come in handy! 

They’re like your personal roadmap to success, helping you outline your goals, figure out finances, and plot your path to profit. With over 50% of small businesses failing within the first five years (Small Business Administration), having a solid plan is crucial for success. 

14.Website development

Having a website is essential, especially for businesses looking to boost sales. If you’ve got the skills, you can start creating custom websites for clients. Start small by using platforms like WordPress and gradually build your portfolio. 

Don’t have the skills yet? 

No worries! You can teach yourself through platforms like Codecademy or hire a skilled developer. In addition to creating websites, you can offer services like website maintenance to keep clients’ sites running smoothly and up-to-date. 

Did you know that as of 2021, there were over 1.8 billion websites out there? 

Crazy, right? But don’t let that intimidate you. 

Website development is all about creating your own unique space on the internet, whether it’s for your business, blog, or just to share your passion with the world. 

Studies show that having a website can increase your business’s credibility by a whopping 75%. 

Alright, so what exactly goes into building a website? Well, it’s a bit like constructing a house. You need a solid foundation, right? 

That’s where web development comes in. It’s all about coding and design to make sure your site looks good and works smoothly. 

But here’s the kicker: you don’t need to be a tech genius to do it. With user-friendly platforms like WordPress powering over 40% of websites on the internet, building your own site has never been easier. 

15. Internet security consultant

Security really matters if you own a website on the internet. Whether you’re a big company or just you, sitting at home with your laptop, keeping your stuff safe is key. 

Hackers, scams, viruses – they’re out there, and they’re not playing nice.

But here’s the thing, you don’t need to be some tech genius or spend a fortune to beef up your security. Businesses and regular folks alike are shelling out cash to protect their data.

Internet security consultants are like digital bodyguards for your online activities. They help businesses and individuals protect their sensitive information from cyber threats like hackers and malware. 

Did you know that cyberattacks increased by 600% during the COVID-19 pandemic, with businesses being targeted every 39 seconds on average? 

Internet security consultants work to prevent these attacks by assessing vulnerabilities in systems, implementing security measures, and educating users on safe online practices.

With cybercrime costing the global economy over $1 trillion annually, the need for internet security consultants has never been greater. These experts help organizations navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity, ensuring they stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. 

By investing in the services of an internet security consultant, businesses can safeguard their data, protect their reputation, and avoid costly breaches that could potentially bankrupt them.

16. Lawn care/snow removal

Are you someone who loves gardening, enjoys the outdoors, and owns tools like a lawn mower, weed eater, or hedge trimmer? 

Well, have you ever thought about starting your own lawn care business? Believe it or not, you’ve already got most of what you need to get going!

You’ve already got the gear, so the main thing holding you back is getting the word out about your business. 

Advertising and marketing might sound fancy, but it’s really just about letting people know you’re in business. Once you’ve done that, you’re pretty much set!

Now, if you live in a place where winters get chilly and snowy, here’s another idea: offer snow removal services. You’ve already done the hard part by getting your name out there, so investing in a few snow shovels and a plow could be a smart move.

Keeping your lawn in top shape and ensuring your driveway is clear of snow are vital tasks for maintaining your home’s curb appeal and safety. Did you know that a well-maintained lawn can increase a property’s value by up to 20%? 

Regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing can keep your grass healthy and green, while proper snow removal can prevent accidents and damage during the winter months. 

Studies have shown that maintaining a well-kept lawn not only enhances the aesthetics of your property but also contributes to a healthier environment by reducing soil erosion and filtering pollutants from rainwater runoff.

Snow removal is equally important for safety reasons. Did you know that around 11,500 people visit the emergency room every year due to snow shoveling-related injuries? 

Hiring a professional snow removal service can not only save you time and effort but also reduce the risk of injuries caused by slipping and falling on icy surfaces. 

Timely snow removal helps prevent damage to your driveway and walkways, saving you money on repairs in the long run. By investing in proper lawn care and snow removal, you can ensure your home remains both beautiful and safe throughout the year.

17. Editorial service

Editorial services are like the helpful hand that polishes your writing to make it shine. Whether you’re a student working on an essay or a business owner crafting a newsletter, editorial services can provide valuable feedback and corrections to improve your content. 

Did you know that studies have found that typos and grammatical errors can decrease the credibility of a piece of writing by up to 50%? That’s where editorial services come in, offering a fresh pair of eyes to catch those mistakes and refine your message.

With the rise of content marketing, the demand for editorial services has skyrocketed. Businesses are realizing the importance of well-crafted content in engaging their audience and driving sales. 

According to research, companies that prioritize content marketing efforts experience conversion rates nearly 6 times higher than those that don’t. 

By investing in editorial services, individuals and businesses can ensure their content is clear, compelling, and free of errors, helping them stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

It’s super easy to get going, doesn’t need any money upfront, and once you’re up and running, it’s got loads of room to grow. And get this – you can offer your services to both small and big companies, as well as to writers and students.

When it comes to what you can offer, the sky’s the limit! Think copywriting, ghostwriting, proofreading, editing, and even indexing. There’s a whole world of possibilities out there!

18. Homemade gourmet food

Homemade gourmet food is like a delicious treat made with love right in your own kitchen. Whether it’s a decadent dessert or a savory main course, homemade gourmet food adds a special touch to any meal. 

Did you know that cooking at home can save you up to 50% compared to dining out? Research shows that homemade meals tend to be healthier and have fewer calories than restaurant fare, leading to better overall health.

With the popularity of food blogs and social media, more people are turning to homemade gourmet food to satisfy their culinary cravings. Whether you’re experimenting with new recipes or putting your own spin on traditional dishes, homemade gourmet food allows you to unleash your creativity in the kitchen. 

And the best part? You get to enjoy the satisfaction of creating something delicious from scratch, right in the comfort of your own home.

Have you ever thought about turning your love for cooking into a business? People are crazy about gourmet food these days – think soup mixes, bread, jellies, cookies, chocolates, you name it! 

And guess what? If you’ve got a kitchen, you’re already halfway there!

All you need to get started are some cooking supplies, packaging materials, and a bit of basic marketing stuff. It’s that simple! Take a cue from Amy’s Kitchen – they started out just like you, and now they’re a multi-million dollar business thanks to their delicious gourmet goodies.

19. Flipping websites

Have you ever thought about making money online? 

Flipping websites might just be your ticket to cashing in on the digital gold rush! It’s like buying a fixer-upper house, sprucing it up, and selling it for a profit, but in the online world. 

In fact, in 2020 alone, the website flipping industry was valued at over $250 million worldwide! That’s a lot of moolah up for grabs.

You find a website that’s undervalued or needs some TLC. Maybe it has great content but a shabby design, or it’s not ranking well on search engines. 

You buy it at a bargain price, put in some elbow grease to improve it, like adding fresh content or optimizing its SEO, and then you sell it for a tidy profit. 

Take the example of “Flippa,” a popular website marketplace where over $300 million worth of websites are bought and sold annually. People are making real bucks in this game.

Using a site like Flippa, you can buy a website, improve it, and then sell it for a nice profit. It might sound strange, but it’s actually a profitable business idea. 

I’ve personally made an extra $25-$30k each year flipping websites on the side. Just imagine how much you could make if you did it full-time!

20. ECommerce store

Imagine having your own online shop, selling stuff to people all over the globe without even leaving your couch. 

That’s the magic of ecommerce! 

Did you know that ecommerce sales hit a whopping $4.28 trillion in 2020? 

Yeah, that’s a trillion with a “T”! And it’s not just big companies cashing in, small businesses are getting their piece of the pie too.

Setting up an ecommerce store is easier than you might think. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce make it super simple for anyone to start selling online. Take Sarah, for example. 

She’s a jewelry maker who turned her hobby into a thriving business by opening an online store with Shopify. Now she ships her handmade earrings and necklaces all over the country, making a tidy profit while doing what she loves.

Unlike opening a physical store, starting an eCommerce site is easy and doesn’t need as much money or time. And also, you’re not limited to one location or business hours since you can sell to customers all over the world, 24/7.

Platforms like BigCommerce and Squarespace have lots of helpful guides to get you started. 

21. Property management

Landlords often don’t have the time to regularly check on their properties or handle tasks like mowing and cleaning. 

That’s where a property management company comes in. They take care of these chores for landlords who are too busy or live far away from their properties.

It’s like being the boss of a bunch of houses and apartments. Did you know that the property management industry is worth around $88 billion in the US alone? Yep, that’s a big business right there!

Property managers take care of rental properties for owners. They handle stuff like finding tenants, collecting rent, and making sure everything stays in tip-top shape. 

Think of it like being the captain of a ship, making sure it sails smoothly. Take Mark, for instance. He manages a bunch of rental homes for busy homeowners. 

He handles everything from fixing leaky faucets to screening new tenants. And he’s making a good living doing it too!

22. Custom tailoring

It’s like getting clothes made just for you, like having your own personal fashion designer. 

Did you know that the custom clothing market is growing by 7% every year? Yeah, more and more folks are ditching off-the-rack clothes for something tailor-made.

Here’s the deal: Custom tailoring is all about getting clothes that fit you like a glove. Whether it’s a snazzy suit for a wedding or a comfy shirt for everyday wear, a tailor can whip up something that’s uniquely yours. 

Take Lisa, for example. She’s a tailor who runs her own shop, stitching up bespoke outfits for her clients. From measurements to fabric choices, she works with each person to create something special.

People are becoming more mindful of their appearance, especially in the business world, and they know that one-size-fits-all just doesn’t cut it. 

That’s why the custom clothing industry is so exciting. It’s in demand but still largely untapped, which means there’s huge potential for growth.

23. Life coach/mentor

Do you have a proven track record in a specific field? 

Can you show past successes or have training in personal development? 

If so, life coaching or mentorship could be a great low-cost and profitable business for you. You can even run it from home. 

It’s like having a personal guide to help you navigate through life’s ups and downs. Did you know that the coaching industry is booming, with an estimated worth of over $15 billion worldwide?

A life coach is like a cheerleader and a mentor rolled into one. They help you set goals, overcome obstacles, and reach your full potential. 

Take Alex, for instance. He’s a life coach who works with people to find clarity in their careers and personal lives. Whether it’s making a career change or finding balance, he’s there to lend a helping hand.

24. Training/Instruction

If you’re a guitarist, chef, or fluent in Spanish, you can make good money by sharing your knowledge. Start by setting up a website and selling content like instructional videos to your customers. 

It’s like getting a roadmap to learn new skills or improve existing ones. Did you know that companies spend around $83 billion annually on employee training and development?

Training and instruction come in all shapes and sizes, from online courses to hands-on workshops. Whether it’s mastering a new software or honing your leadership skills, there’s something out there for everyone. 

Take Maya, for example. 

She’s a fitness instructor who offers personalized training sessions to help her clients reach their fitness goals. With her guidance and support, they’re able to push past their limits and achieve results they never thought possible.

25. Graffiti removal

It might not sound like a million-dollar business idea, but Remove It Restoration earned $2.6 million in revenue in 2017 just by removing graffiti.

It’s like giving a fresh coat of paint to walls defaced with unwanted drawings or words. Did you know that graffiti cleanup costs cities in the United States millions of dollars every year? 

Yep, it’s a big expense!

Graffiti removal crews use special techniques and products to erase graffiti from surfaces like walls and buildings. They work tirelessly to restore the beauty of neighborhoods and public spaces. 

Take the city of Los Angeles, for instance. They spend over $7 million annually on graffiti cleanup efforts, employing teams to blitz the city and keep it looking spick and span.

26. Event/Project planning

If you’re organized and love planning, why not handle arrangements for events like birthdays, retirements, or weddings? 

This service is always in demand and can be quite profitable. If event planning isn’t your thing, consider becoming a project planner for a business that doesn’t have an in-house project manager. You’ll help keep their teams focused and on track. 

It’s like orchestrating a big party or organizing a major project from start to finish. Did you know that the event planning industry is projected to grow by 8% from 2020 to 2030?

Event and project planners are the masterminds behind those unforgettable celebrations and successful projects. They handle everything from finding the perfect venue to coordinating schedules and budgets. 

Take Emily, for example. She’s an event planner who specializes in weddings. From selecting vendors to creating timelines, she ensures that every detail is taken care of, making sure the couple’s special day goes off without a hitch.

27. Mobile app developer

As the cost of smartphones goes down, more people are joining the mobile revolution. By 2020, it’s estimated there will be nearly 3 billion smartphones worldwide. 

What do these users want? 

Mobile apps that help them manage their lives or games they love. If you have an idea and some coding skills, you can start developing your own mobile apps. 

Not a coder but have a great idea? Reach out to a software developer to bring your app to life. 

It’s like mapping out the blueprint for a cool new app that could end up on millions of smartphones. Did you know that there are over 3.48 million apps available for download on the Google Play Store alone?

Mobile app developers plan out every aspect of an app, from its functionality to its design and user experience. They brainstorm ideas, create wireframes, and determine the best technologies to bring their vision to life. 

Take Jake, for instance. He’s a mobile app developer who’s currently planning a fitness tracking app. He’s researching user preferences, analyzing market trends, and sketching out the app’s features to make sure it’s a hit with users.

28. Drones

Drones are incredibly popular right now. Drone sales shot up by 224% from 2016 to 2017, reaching nearly $200 million. Susan Ward from The Balance notes that “drones are rapidly becoming an indispensable tool in a variety of industries.” 

If you want to jump on this trend, you could start a drone-based business. Consider options like sales, customization, repair, training, photography, mapping, surveying, or security surveillance. 

It’s like plotting out flight paths for these cool flying machines that can do all sorts of tasks. Did you know that the global commercial drone market is expected to reach $58.41 billion by 2026?

Drone planners map out where drones will fly and what they’ll do, whether it’s taking aerial photos, delivering packages, or even inspecting infrastructure. They consider factors like airspace regulations, weather conditions, and safety protocols to ensure smooth operations. 

Take Sarah, for example. 

She’s a drone planner for a construction company, mapping out flights to survey construction sites and monitor progress. With careful planning, she helps the team save time and money while improving safety on the job site.


Explore 28 different business ideas, ranging from consulting and chatbot development to drone-based ventures. Each idea has the potential for significant success with low initial investment.

Ready to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true? Contact us today to find out how we can help you bring your million-dollar business idea to life. Email us at businessheadliner[at]gmail.com.

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